How to Get Rid of Negative Reviews

Feedback from real customers is easily one of the most powerful selling tools you can use to find buyers on the web. What happens when it all goes wrong, however?

Unfortunately, your business will likely find a few customers along the way who aren’t thrilled. Whether you provided poor service, you over-promised and under-delivered, or your client was simply grumpy, nobody wants to have a negative Yelp review tarnishing their reputation. Bad feedback can discourage potential buyers and negatively impact your bottom line, so how do you get rid of negative reviews?

In most cases, you can only get bad reviews rejected if they meet one of the following criteria:

  1. The review is inflammatory or inappropriate. Think bad language, harassing statements, or threats.
  2. The reviewer has a conflict of interest, i.e. a previous employee or a relative.

If you get a bad review that doesn’t fit one of these categories, you can’t ask for it to be removed. Your hands aren’t completely tied, however. Instead of sending up the white flag and simply accepting the negative feedback, use the following simple keys to negate the impact of the review:

Respond to Negative Feedback

When customers share bad feedback, it often feels tempting to stick your head in the sand. Instead, make a point of responding to negative feedback in a friendly, non-confrontational manner. Most review services allow businesses to have their say, so don’t hesitate to make contact with a reviewer who posts negative information.

Treat this as an opportunity to provide great customer service. Express your disappointment that the client’s desires weren’t met, and extend an invitation to make the situation right. This accomplishes two different things: it shows your angry client that you’re willing to try to resolve the problem and it demonstrates your service-oriented approach to others reading the review.

Correct Dishonest Claims

Customers are free to make outrageous claims about your company online, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit by and accept it. When a client makes a claim that simply isn’t true, don’t be afraid to state your case in a kind, factual way. Sometimes reviewers mistake companies for different organizations, while in other cases, anger can cause someone to lash out with ridiculous comments. Remember, your response will be made public, so don’t respond in haste. Be thoughtful with your words, while defending your company’s reputation.

Proactively Prevent Bad Reviews

Have you ever thought to yourself, “if only there was a way to prevent bad reviews?” Fortunately, there are solutions you can use to intercept angry reviewers before they leave nasty remarks about you online.

GatherKudos is one such tool, a review filtering resource that will allow you to boost your company’s clout online, while stopping bad feedback from popping up on the web. The premise is simple: direct customers to your GatherKudos page to leave honest feedback. If the feedback is positive, the page encourages them to post about it on services like Yelp and Google+. For those with less savory remarks, comments are directed straight to you.

Are you struggling with bad reviews online? Is your business losing sales because of negative feedback? Learn how we can help by giving us a call today: (909)-748-5882

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