Property Pointers: 4 Simple Steps to Improve Property Management Websites

Managing a busy property management business requires business owners to carefully prioritize their time, as they work to resolve tenant issues, find new clients, and remain profitable. Establishing a dynamic property management website can help you do exactly that, but you can’t expect incredible results with a cookie cutter webpage. Instead, your business needs to invest in a comprehensive, fully-functional site that caters to real estate investors and tenants alike.

If you’re tired of your property site’s lackluster results, using the following simple tips to overhaul your marketing efforts.

1. Invest in the Right Foundation

It might feel fundamental, but you’d be surprised to learn how many property groups try to cut corners online. Sure, investing in a professional property management site might prove expensive, but how many customers are you already losing due to an ineffective site? Before you try to fix a big problem with a tiny little Band-Aid, bite the bullet and bring in the development pros—you’ll be shocked to see how your conversation rates improve.

2. Keep Your Website Updated

If you ignored one of your client’s properties for months on end, you’d be in deep trouble. The same principle is true for your website. A whopping 97% of all consumers search for local business information online. How many of those would-be tenants are you missing because of a poorly optimized site? Keep your content fresh with new listings, blog updates, newsletters…you name it!

3. Interact with Your Site Visitors

Crafting great marketing copy and implementing savvy optimization techniques helps to pull in site visitors, but don’t let those would-be clients slip away. Work to engage with your audience immediately. At OpenPotion, we utilize live chat systems to give every site visitor a chance to ask questions, get more information, and learn more about what we do. Consider using the same approach to bolster your own success on the web.

4. Keep a Close Eye on Feedback

User reviews and testimonials have turned the online world on its head, with everyday buyers relying on this crucial information when considering your company’s services. While it’s one thing to feature glowing reviews on your site, you want to make sure negative feedback doesn’t get splashed about the web. Use a tool like GatherKudos to block out the negative stuff, while simultaneously funneling positive reviews to sites like Yelp, Google+, and Yahoo! Local.

Your website should serve as your business’ most effective salesman. It sells around the clock, and when performing optimally, should pull in a steady stream of new clients. If your site isn’t pulling its weight, make the decision today to invest in the resources that will stabilize your long-term profits.

Call us today to learn how OpenPotion can help.

Adam Zetterlund

– Adam, Content Wizard

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