Responsive Design: 4 Key Reasons Your Business Site Needs It



Earlier this year, mobile web usage in the United States overtook traditional desktop browsers for the first time in history. With millions of connected devices scattered around the nation, consumers have more access to the Internet than ever before. Long gone are the days when users had to peruse subpar mobile sites that lacked the functionality and visual appeal of desktop platforms. Today, companies can create dynamic, responsive sites that bring the full desktop experience to the small screen. If you’re contemplating whether or not you need a responsive site, consider the following four benefits.

Responsive Sites Reach More People

Google estimates that more than one in five searches are now performed via a mobile device. Furthermore, 25% of all Internet users in the U.S. connect solely via a smartphone or tablet. If numbers like those don’t sway you, consider this: more than half of all local searches conducted last year came via mobile platforms. The figures don’t lie; if you neglect mobile web users, you’re missing out on a huge segment of your target audience.

Search Engines Play Nicer with Responsive Sites

If you’ve spent any time familiarizing yourself with search engine optimization, you understand the importance of your site ranking. Google and its competitors rely on bots that canvas the web every day, indexing websites and using a series of complex algorithms to determine a site’s rank. Responsive sites give search engines one destination to index, as opposed to businesses that opt for separate mobile and desktop sites. This single indexed site is often better received by the search engine algorithms, in turn ensuring a high rank for the online destination.

Responsive Sites Produce Better Results

As a business owner, your primary concern is ensuring that your website provides a positive user experience and generates real results. Not only are responsive sites tailored to the smaller screens of mobile users, but these websites also produce better conversion rates. Furthermore, the majority of social media activity now occurs on mobile devices, and web users are eager to interact with businesses on the move. With a responsive site, you make it possible for visitors to reach out to you immediately, no matter where users happen to find themselves.

Responsive Sites are Easy to Maintain

Attracting new business and retaining your current customers is likely one of your largest priorities as a business owner. Do you really have spare time to waste updating a mobile site frequently and ensuring it plays nicely across a myriad of different devices? A professional, responsive site shouldn’t be difficult to maintain—in fact, it’s quite the opposite. These simple platforms make it easy for you to communicate your business’ message to the masses, regardless of how they choose to access your online destination.

Harnessing the digital tools available to you is the best possible way to build a brighter future and work to stabilize your monthly revenue. Utilizing responsive web design is merely one of the diverse options available to you, but the results these sites create speak for themselves. If you’re not already using responsive design and are ready to take the plunge, get in touch with us today and learn how OpenPotion can breathe new life into your business’ approach to online marketing.

Adam Zetterlund

– Adam, Content Wizard

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