Casual Friday in a Virtual Office: Silly Chrome Extensions

Starr Bryson

When you work for a virtual company, chances are that every day is casual Friday. I’ll be the first to admit that I work in my pajamas most weekdays. It’s one of the perks of working from home (not to mention my short commute). So what can a virtual company do to mirror the popular Casual Friday of an office job?

Introducing . . . Fun Friday.


Instead of dressing down or wearing jeans, Fun Friday is a day for those of us who work remotely from home to indulge in a little bit of silliness.

Chrome has many helpful and useful extensions to make you more productive, assist you in your work, and help you stay focused. Some even block ads and add security to your computer. But today isn’t about working harder, it’s about having fun. Let’s take a look at the some of the wacky, silly, and fun extensions Chrome has to offer us to bring a smile to our faces and give us a laugh.

Website Destroyer

Website Destroyer

This is perfect for anyone who needs to blow off steam. Are you a designer, frustrated with your latest graphic? Are you a writer, struggling through your Friday and the words just won’t come? Download this extension and start blowing up your screen. A fun way to virtually destroy any computer screen with your choice of weapons. Pick from a machine gun, shotgun, stamp, hammer, and flamethrower and start obliterating.



This hilarious extension adds a mustache to every photo on a website. With this add-on, every website you look at on a Friday will erupt in giggles.



Fans of this popular meme will enjoy this extension, but even non-fans will smile at this cute dog’s face popping up on every webpage exclaiming things like, “so much doge” and “lots free actually”.

Jailbreak the Patriarchy


This extension allows you to view the world in a gender swapped parallel universe. It switches every “she” for “he” and “his” for “hers”. You might confuse yourself with this one, but you’ll laugh yourself silly.

With all of these silly extensions, you’ll have a lot of fun this Friday . . . but don’t forget to get your work done.

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